ZK Email leverages what emails already do but with Regex & Zero Knowledge

emails are signed using

DKIM Signatures

almost all emails are signed by the sending domain server using an algorithm called DKIM.
rsa_sign(sha256(from:..., to:..., subject:..., body hash,...), private key)
this lets us verify the sender, receiver, the subject, the body

DKIM: DomainKeys Identified Mail. An email authentication method designed to detect email spoofing.

we can extract any part of our email using


we can hide any information or selectively reveal any text, wether that’s the sender, receiver, subject, body etc

Regex: Short for regular expression, this term represents sequence of characters that forms a search pattern, commonly used for string matching within text. In the context of zkEmail where it`s used to parse email headers and extract relevant information.

we can verify our DKIM Signature and the Regex using

Zero Knowledge Circuits

Zero knowledge circuits allow us to verify that the DKIM Signature is correct and that our Regex is calculated correctly. We can prove these calculations were done correctly to a verifier without revealing the exact

Zero-Knowledge Proofs: A cryptographic method by which one party can prove to another that they know a value x, without conveying any information apart from the fact that they know the value x.

putting this all together, ZK Email lets us

Prove who sent an email & any of it’s contents.

anonymously. on or off chain.

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